Anumber of things must be gone over before the sweeper is put out even before the motors are put in place, connected and tested. The device consists of a galvanized The snow-sweeper, more than any other apparatus belonging tothe modern electric railway equipment, requires careful inspection, since snow and ice conceal many defects which would not otherwisebe apparent, until the sweeper became disabled upon the road. The grade indicator is known to be accurate only within certainlimits, but is found to be of considerable aid in general work whereclose accuracy is not required.

It is geared to the car axle and is arranged to give read-ings in feet traveled. The distance recorder is in reality a revolutioncounter. On the side of the car opposite the testing instruments are astandard tachometer or speed recorder, a distance recorder and a HINTS ON THE CARE OF A SNOW-SWEEPER. The operation canbe carried on without removing any of the parts, and it is be-lieved will prove to be an effective w-ay of determining the con-dition of the equipment and discovering faults before actual break-downs result. by the resistance switches as previously described, the instrumentsin the testing car quickly indicating troubles. This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage. Alamy charges you a fee for access to the high resolution copy of the image.

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